Monday, January 6, 2014

Born Pretty Store - First Purchase and Review

Hello again. Let's put this blog into motion, should we?

Ok, so last Black Friday was a very special day to me because it was the first time I delved into buying on the internet... at least things for myself. I got lots of goodies of which I'm pretty excited to use and share with you.

Some of them were bought on Born Pretty Store, a shop I learned about through some videos of the amazing elleandish on Youtube. I was a little bit nervous about it because I live in Narnia, right in the middle of the Bermudas Triangle, and sometimes it's really difficult to get stuff here unless you are using a courier. But I decided to give it a try and see what would happen.

If you live in Santo Domingo and don't know how to buy from Born Pretty Store, I'll be making an entry explaining how to do it, from creating an account to moving around the page (it took me a little bit to get the hang of it the first time, tbh).

Anyway, this is my review of what I bought there. It's going to be photo heavy and probably too long given the fact that I talk to much, so you are warned.

That's everything unpackaged. It came in a paper bag since it wasn't much and nothing is too big as you can see. That big white thing is a nail polish, heavily wrapped to protect it.

Now you can see everything clearly. I got some striping tape, a matte top coat, some dotting tools, and three stamping plates. Everything made $17 in total, so I think it was a good purchase.

Now let's see everything on detail and let's talk about it, should we?

All the striping tape came in a little plastic bag, but every one of them came in individual bags too.

They are so thin and tiny they got stucked together and I didn't even noticied it. The circle is 4.5 cms of diameter and from that you got about 0.7 cms of tape.

I bought 7 of them, just to try them out. You can find solid colors, glittler and holographic ones. The holographic silver is really pretty and sparkling and I'm really happy that I bought 2 of them because I'm sure I'll be using that a lot. That one in the picture it's actually holographic, but it doesn't show much because of the lighting. Sorry about that.

Next item on the list and the reason I did my shopping on BPS before I planned. On amazon they take forever to arrive, even more on my country given the fact that I have to use a courier. I'll talk about the hardships of buying on the internet from pages that doesn't ship worldwide on another post... maybe.

This set here it's very popular and have good reviews, so I dediced to buy this one. Let's have a close up.

As you can see, you have 5 different sizes on one end (I'll show you later the difference in sizes) and, sadly, the same size on the other end.

They look a little bit different from the other on the picture, and I was wishful thinking they were, but not such luck. But for the price they are really good. And you still have 6 different sizes, so you are not losing... much. For bigger or smaller dots, you can still use a needle, the eraser on a pencil, or the end of a brush, the smaller end of a chopstick, etc.

Now, let's talk about this little buddy here. I thought the bottle was bigger, from what I saw on the page, and was a little big surprised that it is so small.

If you compared it to another bottle of nail polish (I did it with one of Klean Colors) it's actually not that small, at least the body. But still... I really don't know what I was expecting, to be honest.

Now, to the last part of the purchasing: the stamping plates. I'll talk individually of every plate but I want to state some things first.

They are copies of Konad plates and they are incredibly well done. I heard some people complaining about some plates that are copies of konad that aren't very good so I wasn't expecting much of them, especially for the price ($0.99). But after comparing them to Konad I have to say they are not that different and they can fool anyone. Except for the size.

But for the price you are getting plates of amazing quality. So give them a try if you can't afford Konad stamping plates.

I don't know why I bought this one. Probably because of the design in the middle, because I liked it too much. Or the vintage roses. But it's actually a really good plate. I will be showing some trial stampings of them on another post so you can see how good they stamp.

A very popular plate, at least the konad one. The zebra-leopard print is amazing and the one with the leaves it's in my opinion the best of them all.

The white space on the designs doesn't look too deep-carved and I was concerned about it, but it was for naught. What I have to say about this plate is that all those tiny dots are a little bit difficult to clean if you are not using a good nail polish remover or enough strenght.

[deep sigh] I have to say that I'm a little bit dissapointed with this one. I bought it for the polka dots, to be honest, since I thought stamping them would be faster and easier that actually making them. But then I saw the plate again and kind of liked the clouds and the design beside it (elleandish has a Chanel inspired Nail Tutorial with it that it's really pretty).

Sadly, as you can see, my plate came with an imperfection. That dot on that cloud isn't supposed to be there. At least it's something that can be easily fixed on the nails.

And that single design on the side? I have no idea of what it is.  It's so weird and kind of... ugly. I don't think I'll be stamping that one.

Despite that little imperfection, the plate stamps really well, even the ugly design, so it wasn't that bad.

Is that supposed to be lace? (Please ignore the reflection of my nosy tablet.)

Ok, can you see that little dot I was complaining about? Also, this close you can see that the plates aren't that deep-carved as I was saying. Not that they are supposed to be too deep, but not that... superficial either. But if they do they work perfectly, I don't see a problem.

I'm doing this so you will  have an idea of how small they actually are. The plate I'm using for comparing is from the Love Elements Collection from Pueen. Something of my black friday purchases that I will be talking later and you really should give it a try because they are awesome.

Width wise they don't seem to be that small, but they are, specially on the plate at the bottom. If you don't have big nails this isn't going to be a problem because they'll cover your nails. Mine are long right now, as you can see on the reflection, and they cover them completely. But hey, I don't have really big nails so I'm not one to say anything about it.

You'll see designs where I used this items on later posts, where you'll have direct links from Born Pretty Store. This is all from me at the moment. I'll see you later with some nail arts.

Thanks for reading.

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